Directors Message
The founder of the brand, Mr. Kamal K Jaiswal (A Renowned Business entrepreneur) with their passion for health and wellness,15+ yrs of experience & expertise from diversified industries, open-minded attitude and innovative thought process, people-minded and professional management style, aim to achieve incredible success to make "ORA REGENESIS SPA" a legendry brand in the industry. In order to broaden their vision and learn the experiences from those leading spas in the industry globally, they spent a couple of years time to visit these properties located in many different countries. Through continuous study and self-criticism, they have been able to elevate the best quality and professionalism of their team to a much higher level. As to the future of the company and the brand both Mr. Kamal K Jaiswal has the firm belief to make the ""ORA REGENESIS SPA"" brand the leader of the industry not just in India but with it soon coming branches across the world and eventually make the firm to be a listed company.